Over 200 faith groups, MPs and government policy leads agree- Faith is Too Significant to Ignore!

7ef3adc7-b0de-448f-9768-bb6f6659c8fbWednesday the 19th November, was a significant day for FaithAction and faith groups across the country.

As we gathered in the beautiful Assembly Hall in Church House Westminster, Amrick Singh (Director of Nishkam Centre and part of the FaithAction advisory group) starting proceedings with a warm welcome.

Amrick started with that all important question- ‘Why is Faith too significant to Ignore?’- and asked us to look at faith’s part in our communities and neighbourhoods. He talked about the fact that in history, faith has been on the fringes, but that as we approach 2015, faith is coming to the table, because of faith communities and the work they are doing. He focused on people of faith not doing things for recognition but because it’s ‘the right thing to do’.

More information here


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